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February 12, 2021
Leslie Kelly | February 12, 2021"The winning formula leans into high-quality coconut cream as the base, steering clear of ingredients such as pea protein and avocado. That ingredient is gorgeously presented in one of the...
January 10, 2021
Oliver Strand | June 5, 2017Jonathan and Jenny Bonchak started Slingshot Coffee Company, a small-batch company in Raleigh, N.C. “We wanted something that was balanced,” she said, “and that was going to be juicy.” Credit: Eamon Queeney for The...
October 20, 2020
Zachary Carlsen | June18, 2019 Jenny Bonchak is the founder of Slingshot Coffee, a boutique ready-to-drink coffee company based in Raleigh, North Carolina. An accomplished specialty coffee entrepreneur, Bonchak built her brand from scratch in 2012, starting out hand-packing...
October 10, 2020
Erin Shaw Street | July, 2013There's a buzz-worthy trend in coffee shops and grocery stores this summer: cold brew coffee. Raleigh entrepreneur Jenny Bonchak is leading the charge as she introduces Southerners to the brewing...